
checkin-boy-blueOur new Check-In-KeyBoy is available.

Hotel Müller offers a Check-In-KeyBoy with which you can make a room reservation/check-in
and a payment on-site: with EC-card, Master-or Visa Card you can check in and pay 24 hours per day. You will find the Check-In-KeyBoy right next to the entrance of the hotel.

How to get your keys via the KeyBoy after fixed booking:

1. press button F1
2. You will be asked for the code, your code is:

  • booking via HRS: last 4 numbers of transaction key
  • booking via last 4 numbers of booking number
  • booking via „Booking“: last 4 numbers of booking number
  • booking via Expedia: via email directly from the hotel
  • direct booking via Hotel Müller: last 4 numbers of your postal code or credit card number

For any problems, give us a call: +49. 221 – 9128350